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Reaching Souls with Radio Ministry


God is doing amazing things at Crossroads Community of Christ where we partner with and assist Pastor Dennis Nkosi.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 says, “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn away from the truth and turn aside to myths.”

Pastor Dennis uses a local Zulu radio station called Vuma 103 FM to proclaim the truth of God’s Word for one hour on Sunday evenings. People frequently call into the radio station because the radio waves are filled with false prophets. Zulu pastors and church leaders want to know more about God’s grace and salvation offered to all through Christ alone. They want to know where this pastor preaches and where his church is so that they can hear more. There are so many hurting young people and families that must be taught that Christ is the only answer.

Pastor Dennis started teaching these Zulu pastors and leaders sound Bible doctrine. For months these men have been growing in the Word. Pastor Dennis and Darin have been mentoring and encouraging these men and their wives as God has burdened them to start a daughter church in downtown Durban. Darin and Kathy enjoy having them in their home sharing meals and helping to guide them as they start leading a new flock. The name these men and women came up with for the church is Sound Doctrine Fellowship. It is such a blessing and answer to prayer to see God working in the lives of these men and women!

Currently Crossroads meets in a community hall. A new property has just been purchased right down the road from the hall, but the congregation needs help to raise $150,000 to build a church building. The property is surrounded by family housing units. It is an amazing location. Satan does not want this structure built because listeners from the radio station will be directed here. It will be also be a training center for Zulu pastors to be instructed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not ancestor worship, good works, or idols. It will be used for weekly worship, Bible studies, counselling, evangelism and discipleship.

You can help establish a church that will reach many lost souls with the truth of the Gospel by giving towards this building project. Click here to give.

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support. It is a privilege to be your partners evangelizing and discipling South Africans for Christ!

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